Isabel Finished Her Math!

We accomplished our goals for the week. We finished Little House on the Prairie and Isabel finished her Alpha Math U See book. For her reward, this morning Joey took her out to breakfast at The Cracked Egg.  Tonight while eating ice cream she got her  official congratulatory certificate (copied from the back of the book) that says that she passed.


Last night we went to a drive in with another family.  I had never been to a drive in before.  It was certainly an experience.  Not a great movie watching experience, but an experience.  Today we had lunch at a party at our community pool.  Joey is unemployed for a week so Monday it is off to California for a vacation.  Yay.

Super Luke Advertisement

Aside from Isabel not understanding her math and not believing anything I tried to teach her about it (because she knows more than I do about everything) today was a great day. I assisted Isabel in making Easy Bake Oven shortbread cookies. I always feel like such a great mom after Easy Bake time because I really don’t enjoy doing it and I know Isabel loves it. Luke worked on a Super Luke book, then made an advertisement by drawing a picture, scanning it, and coloring it in paint. Here it is. Doesn’t it make you want to go out and purchase the latest Super Luke adventure?!

Super Luke in Color

Isabel had her ukulele lesson and learned the beginning of the Beatles song, Something. When we got home she practiced in the middle of the living room and Sylvia and I threw coins in her case.


Luke found a praying mantis and played with it for most of the afternoon.


We also had a lot of friends over for some Slip n Slide fun and snacks after sucker school, oops, I mean public school got out. And I can’t leave out Sylvia. She’s been really getting into the princess dresses lately.


Movie Day

Today is Tuesday, so no school.  We went to the free 10 am kids movie at the theater with a couple of our friends.  The movie was Arctic Tale.  Afterward, since I was out of the theater at the end (thanks Sylvia) Isabel let me know that all of the animals started their own families.  I commented that that was a happy ending!  She then said, “No it wasn’t!”  My response, “Huh?”  Then Isabel, “The baby brother died!” and she burst into tears and I had to hug and console Isabel for a few minutes while Sylvia got herself lost again.  One of the baby polar bears had died earlier in the show.  I didn’t really expect this reaction from her since Luke is usually the super sensitive one.

Quote of the day:

“If Sylvia was in a video game it would be rated “M” for mature.”  –Luke

This Week’s Goal

Luke and Isabel did a lot of drawing and writing today. Then Math. Then from our Tell Me About The World book we learned how deep the Pacific Ocean is.  It was a little geography lesson as well since we needed to get out a map and globe.

We then had a little history lesson when Luke read us the book, Wright Brothers by Lisa Wade McCormick.  I then read out loud Little House on the Prairie to them.  My goal for this week is to have that book finished and for Isabel to finish her Math book.

Last Day of Camp Invention

This morning after dropping the camp invention boys off, us girls had to go to Target. At the end of shopping I bought the girls a juice box so that we could sit in the little cafe for a minute and rest. Isabel was almost in tears when she realized that the plastic tube of little farm animals that she had picked out of the dollar section was still hanging on our stroller handlebar and didn’t get paid for. I went back and paid for it. When I got back to our table, she was staring at her juice box in disgust and asked, “Did you pay for this mom?”

Since it was the last day of camp invention, the families got to come near the end and get a tour of all of the projects they had done. It was so much fun to see all of the creative projects they did. Here are a couple of pictures.



Noise Maker, Ukulele and a Balloon

Luke:  On the first day at camp invention, the children brought a small appliance, printer, computer, radio, etc.  that they could take apart and reinvent into something else.  Luke is taking apart one of our old computer keyboards.  This afternoon he told Joey and I that he knows how computer keyboards work.  He is turning it into a noise maker.  This noise maker will supposedly come in handy when Isabel’s singing is bothering him, he can turn it on and drown out her voice.  Brothers can be so cruel.

Isabel:  Today was her first Ukulele lesson.  Our multi talented friend, Ben, is her teacher.  Today she learned the names of the parts of her ukulele and some finger exercises and strumming exercises.  She loves it and I think she is very good!

Sylvia:  Every two year old has to learn it sometime but it is always so sad.  Today was the day that Sylvia learned that when you let go of a helium filled balloon outside, it doesn’t ever come back.

Camp Invention

This week Luke is going to Camp Invention with four of his friends. They’ve been doing inventive, creative, science project, games, etc. He loves it although it is quite an adjustment for him to be gone for “so long.” (It’s from 8:30 to 3:00.) Actually it is quite an adjustment for me too. It is very difficult to get up “so early” and Luke’s room is getting to be a mess because after his long day he needs downtime then there’s dinner and bed and somewhere in there I forget or feel I don’t have the heart or the time to get him to do his chores.

Since Luke is having a great time with his friends at camp, I’ve been coordinating fun outings and get togethers for the girls. Yesterday Isabel went swimming with a friend and today we went to the ten o’clock free movie. So for this week, any kind of school for me is off. In fact we are pretty much off until August or September except for reading, at least some math to stay sharp, and anything else we want to do. Today was invent your own hat day for camp. Here are some pictures.


Isabel wanted to make a hat even though she doesn’t go to camp. Joey helped them make their hats. What a good dad.


Aden and Luke

Quick Sylvia Story: Lost her in Babies R Us and finally found a security guard with a confused look on his face staring into a display crib. Yep, there she was under the covers happily shouting, “GOODNIGHT!” I need to keep that kid leash in my purse at all times.

Also:  Safety Nerd learned how to ride his bike yesterday!  yay!

The Tooth Fairy Does NOT Work on Sundays

Yesterday Isabel finally lost her yellowing top front snaggle tooth. Why is it so difficult for me to remember to be the tooth fairy? This morning our lame excuse was that the tooth fairy doesn’t work on Sundays. Luke helped out by adding, “Yeah, like the mailman” (which by the way he just found out about. Yesterday he tried to get the mail.) Last tooth that I forgot to be the fairy for we were staying in a hotel so the excuse was that the Tooth Fairy couldn’t find her. I CAN’T forget again tonight.