Hazel Jade Vincent

Hazel Jade Vincent was born Nov. 10th, 2008 at 3:37 PM.  She was 8 pounds, 2 ounces. Sabrina had the baby without the aid of any pain medication. We are all so proud of her. Hazel and Sabrina are now home and doing well. Thanks to all of you who called, sent us texts, visited us, offered to watch our kids, etc. We are very blessed to have such great family and friends.

Sabrina getting ready to be induced:




Supposedly pressure on the kneecaps eases the pain of a contraction:


Here she is 🙂


Luke with Hazel:


Isabel with Hazel:


Sylvia with Hazel:


Luke, Isabel, and Sylvia:




Sabrina and Hazel:



Isabel and Hazel:


No Baby but a Better Attitude

I was so tired of sitting around waiting because of what if, so we went out last night to the Bellagio to walk around their amazing garden that changes every few months. Here are a few pictures. They also had huge pumpkins on the ground, a beautiful water mill and gigantic glass leaves hanging from the ceiling. Isabel liked the idea that we shrunk into fairies when we were there.



These venus fly traps would open and shut.


His eyes and eyebrows moved.


Human sized handmade insect/folklore creatures.


I mostly have a better attitude because this morning my doctor said I was dialated to a four and fifty percent effaced (for those of you who speak pregnancy.)  For those of you who don’t, don’t worry about it because ultimately it doesn’t mean anything but for all my pregnancies I have so wished that it did mean something.  My doctor tried to persuade me to come in tomorrow morning and be induced but I will hold off until Monday morning….(because I am a masocist.)

Pregnancy Rant

I’ve had a lot of great things that I’ve wanted to blog about lately but have been too busy.  Busy doing what you ask?  Busy waiting.  I know I totally set myself up for this one.  Since my first child came four days early, next one eight days early and the next two weeks, I was convinced that this one would fall out at least three weeks early.  Tomorrow is my due date.  Yeah, she’s in big trouble.

I am sure that this baby will never get here and I can tell that my kids are really confused about it.  Even though I’ve explained that the due date is general blah blah, this morning Luke happily informed me that she will be here tomorrow.  AND Sylvia keeps saying, “Baby Hazel will be here after later.”  Also, people keep calling asking how I am feeling (How are you feeling = Have you had that baby yet?)  Also, when I call someone they act irritated that I called for any other reason than to tell them I had the baby.

It is also frustrating not having any energy yet not being able to sleep.  Also my fat hamburger helper hands (and feet) are very uncomfortable.  My back hurts and at a mere 29 years old I am convinced that I am just too old to be doing this.  It’s going to be strange meeting this baby because I know I am so focused and excited just about not being pregnant anymore, I am forgetting that I will be meeting a new child too!  I promise not to write anymore until I have a better attitude. (so probably after the baby is born.)