Homeschooling Watercolor Lesson

Luke said that “one day” he wants to paint some ACEOs.  He is always sketching cute, scary, or crazy little characters, it would be great if he had them all in ACEO form.  Today I showed him how (or at least how I do it.)  The girls joined in and it was so much fun to see all of their different styles.  I was especially impressed with Sylvia listening and following instructions.





Taping face


Here are their finished masterpieces!

Jacob Black = Daddy

While Isabel was at her Activity Day class, Luke, Sylvia, Hazel and I headed off to Target to let Sylvia choose what to buy with her birthday money.  Right when we hit the Barbie aisle, Hazel made a beeline for the Jacob Black dolly shouting, “Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!”  Hazel, your daddy is WAY hotter than Jacob.

Here is the pink monstrosity Sylvia picked out.  Thanks Great Aunt Beverly!!!